Friday, March 8, 2019

stress and truth

Stress is something that has received such negative connotation for the past few years. People suffer from depression and blame stress. Grades fail and people go into anxiety attacks because of stress. Stress has taken the blame for many of our difficulties in life. If we look at the big picture, stress is the only thing keeping us alive. Let me explain.
In space, astronaut’s biggest health concern is the lack of stress on their body. They are more prone to a weaker heart, weaker muscles in general, weaker bones, and weaker anything else that has to deal with the body. In our lives, we find people who have had to deal with little stress in their lives are more likely to have panic attacks or melt downs when they receive stress later on. Obviously mental and physical stress are two different things but they behave the same way. How we react to the stress will also determine how we will change or adapt. If a wrestler or athlete decided to stop every time they felt pain, they wouldn’t be athletes very long. If a body builder stopped lifting weights because of the burn in his thighs, he wouldn’t be a body builder much longer. In our lives, we have the choice to react to every situation. We can run away from our problems, push them on others, or accept them and overcome them. This is obviously more easily said than done.
In recent research, it has been shown that wealthy families that have support from both sides of the family are actually more likely to get divorced? You would think it would just be opposite? Why do these ideal situations give the worst results? People who have been married in troubles of trial and are still married never have regrets about their trials. They usually look back on those moments as beautiful struggles where they learned to struggle together with their spouses.
There are ways of overcoming trials however. Every family will have difficulties. Trials will come as kids get hurt or misunderstanding occur. There will be struggles of every kind but how we respond to these events will make things worse or better. Many times, when things happen, parents may blame themselves or their children. Why did I let that happen? Why are my children this way? Why don’t they just tell me or deal with this problem like an adult? There are obviously so many questions you can ask to every question. What is important is that we see a situation for what it is and accept it. All the crying or complaining in the world won’t bring back a child’s life or make another feel better. We are humans and as humans, we make mistakes. Many of those mistakes are final and it is up to us to accept those mistakes and help those who make the mistakes.
We must see life as the pursuit for truth. Miscommunication and anger hide the truth. Truth is simply the way things are, the way they’ve always been, and how they will always be. We must remember that truth should overrule everything because with truth comes happiness. Truth is that people are generally good. The world isn’t that bad. Love trumps hate. Wisdom trumps power with a greater power of its own. Good triumphs evil. It is so easy to be blinded by the world by its downing messages and negative connotations. We are good people who make mistakes. If we have negative thoughts about someone’s actions, odds are is that we usually don’t understand. It is that simple.
You may think: there are different stresses though. A kid drowning in a pool is a lot more difficult to overcome than being laid off from a job. This is true but the way we react to these situations will give the same results. If we let either of these scenarios cripple us mentally, it can cripple our marriage or even our family permanently.

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