Thursday, March 28, 2019

kids and needs

There are so many different ways to parent, that it can seem somewhat scary at times. There are so many voices telling you to do it this way or that way. There are opinions of every kind. One Michael Hopkin stated that parenting should teach kids to survive and thrive in whatever society they are in. He stated that if you are living in a monarchy or Dictator ruled country, they should be taught to do what they are told without question. This would help them blend into their society. If one were to live in a perfect kind society, the kids should be taught to trust everyone, love their neighbor, care for the poor, and blend in society in every other way. As from this example, it is plain to see that there are thousands of ideas of how we should raise our children.
There are several ways people raise their kids and many vices people use as well. Many people believe that the school system should teach their kids including their values. Boarding school is literally a school meant to raise kids. The soviet unit for 70 years took kids at the age of 2 and taught them how to be good citizens. The role of a mother was first to the state and second to their child. That is somewhat of the push today. Under the Obama administration, it was believed that parenting should be left to the professionals and mothers should go to work to contribute to society.
One question that societies overlook in general is who does parenting affect? In short, parenting affects the parents and the children. Further down the line, society is eventually affected by parenting and it trickles down from there. A good society with poor parenting will not be a good society very much longer. It is not a simple task nor is it unimportant.
It is commonly agreed by family study specialists that the most important outcomes of parenting should be Courage, self-esteem, responsibility, cooperation, and respect. These attributes should be gained by both the kids and the parent. Through service, love, and hope, each of these attributes can be attained but only by hard work. There are many instances that parents and children misunderstand needs and followed approaches. For example, a child may be bullied at school and have the need for protection. In response, the parent watches the kid join rough groups of friends as so they will not be bullied anymore but the parent may see it as rebellious or vengeful. A kid may need contact and respond in an annoying way. The parent sees this as just an attention hungry monster who always annoys them. I kid may seem like he is at a lack of control in his life and feel powerless and in response begins to gain power by controlling others. The parent may see the kid to be acting up and trying to make them mad but instead, its just a cry for help that the kid needs help trying to control his own life.
There are times as a parent, that it is important to let kids be assertive and to take control. Many times when a kid is assertive, they are punished because they are seen as acting out of line or trying to go against their parent’s commands. This isn’t determined by the kid’s behavior either. The way a kid behaves does state that he’s learned these attributes. You can scare a kid to act a certain way but at his core, he doesn’t believe in being honest. He’s only afraid of the consequences.

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