Thursday, January 31, 2019

Poverty and Support

Poverty is looked at a magnifying glass. How does America attempt to fix it? Money and more money! Throwing money at this issue necessarily won’t fix it. Usually these families are poorly educated and don’t even know what to really do with money when it is given to them. They will go immediately to their wants instead of their needs. This is proven time and time again in many people that are given free assistance by the government. Though some use it to their benefit to pull them out of their struggles, others use and abuse the system and see no need to withdraw from aid. This becomes both a hindrance to both their growth and the economy’s.
I want to get to the root cause of why families in poverty continue in poverty and what will really help them. One of the first causes of people rolling back into poverty is (believe it or not) sexual procreation. There are several studies done that prove when someone has a much higher chance of success if they graduate high school without being a parent. The second thing to do is finish high school. Many people in poverty get caught up in gangs or organizations that pull them away from education and more towards crime. The third thing is to simply get a job. Getting a full-time job not only gives these kids money but also teaches them life-lessons. No-one wants to work at DQ or McDonalds for the rest of their lives. Most people will do whatever is necessary to not have to work there their entire life. Work also gives kids the understanding of the value of work. Work of any kind gives people self-worth and identity. These three basic things are not only important but necessary to help people get out of poverty.
There are issues however that not only the Poverty class deals with but really every class. The Rich and poor are very similar in this one aspect and that is emotional support. Though it effects the kids for the most part, it also effects the parents. Poverty class families are usually single parents whom work and struggle to be the bread winner. There is little time to keep their family floating. One would think that the rich wouldn’t have this problem but yet they do. Richer families usually comprise of two parents but are both working. The pursuit of money becomes more important than raising their children. What do they do? What they always do! Throw money at it! Pay a nanny. They’ll take care of it. There are bonds and ties however that no one else can fill but the parents of these children. A hundred nannies can’t give the true love and support that the parents of those kids can provide. Each parent also plays a vital role in raising children. The father and mother have different effects on the upbringing of their children. Women are more of the nurturers and offer mental support. They give strength and are able to teach standards for their children to follow. Fathers give strength and stability to the family unit. In times of crisis, the family can look to the father to pull them out of their struggles. They take things more at a logical standpoint and see more clearly how to get the family back onto safer ground. These small but simple things can mean the entire difference with children. Children without mothers are seen to be more depressed, harder difficulty with school, unrulier, and less sensitive. Children without fathers have been seen to become more insecure, shy, uncertain, and less confident. Though money is seen as the “cure all,” it isn’t. There are other things that human beings need including nurture and care.

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